Data Manifesto

Starting with the why

Getting value from data is as hard as it has ever been. New developments such as generative AI add even more incentives for us to build new products and services, yet success stories in the wild are few and far between.

This is not a new problem, and arguably in the last 3 decades we as data leaders have tried to find solutions. We decided to make a manifesto to do two things to help:

a) Provide a cite-able and easily shareable (with social proof) list of heuristics for data leaders to share with their business counterparts to shine light on the iceberg of topics that needs to be addressed

b) Provide a list of heuristics that new data leaders can use to ensure their own work is focused on value

How to use the manifesto:

Show iceberg to business
Manage enabling data portfolio in the iceberg


  • If your use case is not measurable, you don’t have a use case
  • Stop measuring everything: start measuring what matters
  • Beware of pilotitis (but do experiments)
  • You have no right to ask for a budget unless you know how you contribute to the value chain
  • Start with the end: work backwards
  • Your new framework is probably a cargo cult
  • Preach data, but not to the choir
  • If everyone owns the data, no one does
  • Tech is never the problem, you are
  • If data is not an asset, it is a liability
  • Scalability, performance, and cost: choose two
  • Buy, don’t build (unless you can afford it)
  • Data modeling is more important than anything (do it as early as possible)
  • Balance offense and defense in your projects

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The manifesto is published as a pre-print on OSF: You can also read it in Paper.

To cite the work: Angelov, B., & Castro-Gavino, D. (2024, October 23). The Enabling Data Model and Manifesto.

Last update: 24-10-2024.